Layer 3: Luck, Karma, & Me - 2/20/24


Luck is a strange phenomena, as is karma. I have observed luck and karma not operating by any known means of logic. What I mean by this is that everyone assumes that they operate based on a carrot/stick system. You stay on the good side of karma (by doing good things), you get the carrot (good things happen to you) and the reverse. However, I have personally witnessed horrible people do horrible things and still get good karma. For example, I had an associate who would regularly manipulate his way into peoples hearts and heads and ceaselessly poision them from the inside out, then switch up on them and belittle them, backstab them, and ultimately toss them aside like trash. This former associate has had nothing but good luck in life; total neet, doesnt have to work, has everything handed to him on a silver platter, etc, etc. Sure, obviously bad things have happened to him, but it doesn't feel """fair""". It doesn't feel like the traditional sense of karma has really paid him back. On the entirely other hand, I have seen totally good and wholesome people so severely fucked over by life that they turn to drugs, alcohol, and even suicide. This is not traditional karma, is it? No, it is not. Therefore, the classic theory of karmatic justicie is rendered useless and untrue. So how does karma work? The TLDR of the answer for this question is: I haven't the slightest idea. I personally cannot make heads nor tails of it, but people consistently assure me "karma will sort it out". Will it really? I have yet to see it. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm a good person, but I've always tried to hurt as few people as possible. I've tried to be as good as I can, by traditional means, yet, I have nothing but pain and misery to show for it. It truly is an enigma. Have I unknowingly commited some hidden and unrepentable sin? Has my actions somehow done irreparable damage to someone? The not knowing is enough to drive a man to the brink of his sanity. It may always elude me and many likeminded individuals forever, and it's immeasurably hard to accept this fact.